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WPCA Regular Meeting 9-7-04


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 1
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               SEPTEMBER 7, 2004                     

Members present:     Joseph Carino, Chairman; Richard Aries; Ed Havens, Jr.;
                                   Carol Fletterick; Tim Moriarty

Members absent:         Robert Dickinson
Staff present:             Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30.

Motion was made to proceed to Item C2 – New Business.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty


Kasheta Farms – 1275 & 1281 John Fitch Blvd. – Approval to Connect

Becky Meyer of Design Professionals, Inc. was present seeking approval to connect to an existing sanitary sewer line located on at 1275 & 1281 John Fitch Blvd.  The property at this location is an existing business owned by Kasheta Farms. A garage will be built in the rear of this building to be used for the maintenance of farm equipment.  There will be two bathrooms and no floor drains in the building.  The sewer connection will have the standard 2% slope, with a 5- foot minimum cover over the pipe.   This will be a straight- forward connection and meets all the technical specifications of the Town.
Motion to approve the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial property located on 1275 & 1281 John Fitch Blvd., South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Kasheta Farms, Inc., Site Plan” prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., South Windsor, CT, Job No. 1856, Drawing No. 3, dated June 23, 2004, with revisions dated 8-2-04 and 8-9-04 and subject to the final technical approval of the Town Engineering Department.
        Motion was mad by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

LA  Fitness Center of Evergreen Walk – Approval to Connect

Michelle Carlson of Fuss & O’Neill, Inc. was present seeking approval, for the LA Fitness Center of Evergreen Walk, to be connected to the Town’s sewerage system.  This building will be connected at the north end of the Evergreen Walk project.  The connection is a straight-forward connection that meets all the requirements set forth by the Town.  Ms. Carlson explained easement agreements are in place for the area and all pertinent information will be recorded on the land records.  As standard procedure the Town Attorney will review all easement documents.  This project is awaiting approval from the Planning & Zoning Committee and the Inland/Wetlands Commission.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 2
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               SEPTEMBER 7, 2004                     

New Business, Continued

Motion was made to approve the application for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial property known at L.A. Fitness Center of Evergreen Walk, located on Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Evergreen Walk, LLC, L.A. Fitness at Evergreen Walk – Topographic Map” prepared by Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., Manchester, CT, Job No. 2000481L10, Drawing No. CG.1.6, dated May 19, 2004, with revisions dated 6-10-04, with the following conditions:
Approval by the Planning & Zoning and Inland/Wetlands Commission
Final technical approval of the Town Engineering Department.
Motion was made by Mr. Havens
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously

Distortion in the recording tape from this point.

980 – 981 Pleasant Valley Road – Conceptual Approval to Connect – Pros & Cons

Galen Semprebon of Design Professionals, Inc. was present representing property owners Barbara A. Francis-Fulop & Ed Fulop of 981 Pleasant Valley Rd. and Doreen M. & Jimmie Junious of 980 Pleasant Valley Rd.  The property at 980 Pleasant Valley Road has a failed septic system and the property at 981 Pleasant Valley Road has no available area in install another septic system if the current one fails.  Both property owners are seeking conceptual approval for connection to the extension presently being installed on Pleasant Valley Road for a 6-unit SRD previously approved by the authority.  The conceptual approval will enable the property owners to go forward and obtain engineering designs for the system that is being proposed.  It would be necessary for each home to have a grinder pump and force main installed for each property. The force main will then connect to a shared force main with a 2” diameter pipe to the Town system.  The shared force main will be a private system and the maintenance of this private line will be the responsibility of the homeowners.  

There was concern by the Authority that this type of connection would set precedence and in the future may cause problems with other homeowners wishing to connect to the system.  A discussion followed regarding the conceptual approval of the sewer connection.  Mr. Aries expressed his concern regarding a conditional or conceptual approval without further information being presented to the Authority.

The Authority requested additional information pertaining to the possibility of the installation of a sewer line, at some future point in time in Pleasant Valley Road. This would alleviate the need for a private pumping station at the 980 – 981 Pleasant Valley Road.  The question brought forward expressed concern the homeowners may be billed twice for connection charges.  Also, if and when this line were installed would the homeowners be required to remove the grinder system and connect directly to the line in Pleasant Valley Road.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 3
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               SEPTEMBER 7, 2004                     

New Business, Continued

Chairman Carino requested additional information with regards to the cost of installing a new septic system or the installation of the necessary equipment for connection to the Town sewer system.

Mr. Semprebon stated the homeowners were seeking direction from the Town in order to proceed with final plans.  The homeowner with the failed septic system has received an estimate of approximately $22,500 for a new system and an additional $2,500 if new soil was required for drainage.  The Town Sanitarian and the Department of Environmental Protection have been to the property.  It was the determination the system has failed and there are poor soil conditions.  Engineering plans would be necessary if a new septic system is to be installed.

Chairman Carino requested information comparing the cost of new septic systems and the cost of the private line sewer with the grinder pump.  This information should include cost comparison of connection fees, the cost of a private sewer system verses a gravity feed system installed by the Town, including the benefits of the different connections. It was decided to present this information a special meeting in order to move the process along.   The homeowner will need to have this situation resolved within a reasonable amount of time due to the onset of winter.  Additional information will be provided at the next meeting in October.

New tape.

Ted’s Montana Grill – Approval to Connect

This restaurant will be located in the Shops at Evergreen Walk. Mr. Shaw explained the developer has submitted pictures and details for the required outside grease inceptor. Mr. Shaw went on to explain the developer will be required to obtain a general permit from the DEP for the grease inceptor.  Obtaining the required permit from the DEP will be a condition of approval.  In the site plan the building is listed as Building 600, but in fact the Building should be listed as 500.  After checking with the Town Assessor it was determined Building 600 is correct and no change will be necessary in the design plans. This is a straight-forward connection which meets all the necessary requirements put forth by the Town.
Motion was made to approve the connection to the Town’s sewerage system for commercial property on Buckland Road, South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Ted’s Montana Grill, The Shops at Evergreen Walk”, prepared by GIIA Architecture/Development, Dallas, TX;  Job No. 041280, Drawing No. P-101, dated 7/15/04 with no revisions and subject to the following conditions:
Permit must be obtained from the State DEP for the outside grease inceptor
Final technical approval of the Town Engineering Department
Motion was made by Mr.Aries
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 4
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               SEPTEMBER 7, 2004                     

Motion was made to extend the regular meeting beyond 10:00 pm.
        Motion was made by Mr. Carino
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

New Business, Continued

FY2004/2005 Residential Sewer User Charge Billing – Review & Approval to Bill

Mr. Shaw reported during the past year there have been 94 new residential sewer connections.  This represents a 1.2% increase in the previous year.  The total connections on the proposed billing list include 7,644 units totaling $1,655,424 in revenue.  Of the 94 new connections 12 were not previously reported on our billing list.  This was due to data entry problems stemming from the date field in the data entry program.  
Motion was made to approve the preparation and billing for the FY2004/2005 Residential Sewer User Billing as presented.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

Buckland Road Sewer Options – Discussion

Mr. Shaw distributed a memo (Attachment A) explaining the various options for Buckland Road Sewers.  The map shows the existing sewer on the west-side of Buckland Road.  The map also shows the terminus of the public sewer that runs from Clark St., through the Evergreen Walk project and comes to the right of way on Buckland Road.  The Engineering Department has shown several options available for the extension of the sewer line to the east- side of Buckland Road or to extend the sewers beyond that point north and south both on and beside the paved surface of the road.  Option 1 and Option 3 are essentially the same – to extend the sewer to the middle of the road or off the paved surface to the east-side of the road, the cost to do this will be approximately $40,000.  

Option 2 involves extending the line across the road with a manhole on the east-side and also to extend it approximately 2,000’ north and 1,000’ south to serve the properties on the east-side.  This option would involve relocating overhead utilities on the east- side of Buckland Road and acquiring easements across the properties on this side to accommodate the sewers and other utilities.  This option may run as high as $4.1 million with a majority of the cost associated with underground utility relocation.

Option 4 involves extending the sewer line from the west- side into the surface of the road and keeping the sewer in the road for approximately 2,000’.

The Town Managers office has provided a plan for the possibility of a single developer coming in and propose development on the east side of Buckland Road.  This matter is an idea at this point and more study and research is needed at this time.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 5
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               SEPTEMBER 7, 2004                     

New Business, Continued

Buckland Road Sewer Options Discussion, Continued

Chairman Carino stated after a discussion with the Town Manager his opinion is such that Option 3 and Option 4 are discounted.  It is not necessary to install a sewer line halfway up the road and stop.  There is no reason to have a line installed in the middle of the travel portion of the road to service only one side of the Buckland Road area.  This sewer line needs to be extended across Buckland Road to the east side.  Developers are
looking for property that has a sewer line installed.  The Buckland Road area is a prime area for development and several developers are expressed interest in this property.  The developers will not agree to spend the money for underground utility installation.  Chairman Carino is in favor of Option 2 of the sewer development plans.
Motion was made to table the matter of the Buckland Road Sewer Options for further discussions.
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to move to Item B – Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings.
        Motion was made by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to approve the minutes of July 27, 2004, as presented.
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw reported to the Authority an application was submitted to the State Department of Environmental Protection for the grant for the treatment plant upgrade.  

The Gateway Trunk Sewer is expected to be completed this fall

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda) – None





MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 6
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM               SEPTEMBER 7, 2004                     


Motion to adjourn was made at 10:25 by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Dumas,
Recording Secretary

Date Approved:_____________________________